Tightrope walking
over the minefields of conditioning
By Helen Jandamit
updated 2023
Tightrope walkers
I see people, who are trying to navigate an awakened path through the matrix-controlled version of reality, as tightrope walkers. Note: For convenience, I’m using the pronoun ‘he’ here but the tightrope walker through the minefields of conditioning is just as likely to be a woman.
A tightrope walker needs to be aware of his physical form and its strengths and limitations.
He needs to have his ‘sensors’ fully operational and he needs to be able to interpret incoming data instantly and accurately. He needs to be able to feel his immediate environment with
acute sensitivity. He needs to be able to connect with his inner equilibrium and hold his attention on that as he steps out over the abyss. He needs to be able to feel the narrow steel line through the soles of his feet and to feel the tension and the tautness of it. If the wind blows the tightrope, he needs to be able to adjust to movements of the wire appropriately. If he sways too far to the left: he may fall off. If he leans too far to the right: he may also fall off.
Constantly calibrating with his inner equilibrium, yet sensing the lie of the rope, he focuses
on his steps along the path. He cannot indulge in daydreams about arriving at his destination, nor can he invest emotional energy in concerns about the family and friends that he has left behind.
It is the focus on the continuous stream of now moments that carries him forward and
over the abyss. However rest times along the way are essential too. Similarly, a person on the inner journey may create way-stations along the route where he can rest for a while.
Concentration alone will not get him across the chasm. Non-stop maximum concentration is not sustainable.
A tightrope walker needs to adjust to the prevailing conditions and to interact with them in order to negotiate the fluctuations set up by the natural environment. These days, the environment may also be being manipulated technologically. EMFs, scalar technology, food additives, etc. may be affecting him. What the tightrope walker needs is to maintain a state of creative, focused and appropriate interaction with the prevailing conditions on a moment by moment basis.
Skywalking squirrels
At the time of writing this, I was sitting next to a window that looks out onto a fairly quiet suburban Bangkok street. Telephone and electricity cables, suspended about nine feet from the ground, are strung between poles that line the street.
Variegated street squirrels use the telephone cables as their highway. The young ones
enjoy slides on the wet lines and exhilarating leaps into leaf dense branches of the nearby mango trees. One of the older squirrels is definitely a bit on the greedy side, and when the mangoes are ripe, he feasts on them and then ponderously sways his way back to his
favourite tree to sleep it off. Siblings may co-ordinate their squirrel-runs along the same
wire synchronizing their paw steps to ride the waves in the cable set up by their movements. One thin ratty-looking grey squirrel waits till nobody is around and then darts out, racing at high speed along the wire.
These squirrels are actual tightrope walkers that manage to survive well in a busy urban environment. They gradually learned and honed their skywalking skills. We too can learn and hone our ability to skywalk to awakening.
Little by little, the ability to focus on and ride waves of experience and the tides of reaction and non-reaction in the formal setting of certain forms of meditation, naturally transfers out into the ability to tightrope walk the vicissitudes of daily life. When a meditator learns the skill of perceiving and participating in both his physical world and the subjective world of internalized perceptions with focused open-mindedness and as little biased or prejudiced interpretation as possible, a significant transformation may occur. With practice, much like learning to play a musical instrument such as a guitar, you get better at it. It is no longer a strain. You begin to enjoy the process and eventually some may even be able to create symphonies.
When you open yourself to receive the sensory input the stream of present moments brings – experience it fully – yet observe it with an attitude of impartiality, i.e. without buying into any particular reaction or judgement – and then, let it go in its own time, it is as if you are spring cleaning your mind.The process has the effect of clearing out old ‘stuff’ to leave more space and clarity.
Gradually, the layers of conditioning that have accumulated over time, much like leaves from a tree that have fallen to the floor of an autumn forest, are swept away to reveal the ground beneath.
With regular practice over a length of time, even a ride on a bus or a trip to the local supermarket can morph into a deep experience of awakening. Your field of resonance will change in turn, causing a different set of experiences to come into your life. You will also be clearer when making choices and knowing when and how to act. Focused attention to the tightrope stream of now-moments and the clear and open-minded walk along it bring about a profoundly liberating interaction with the world.
Tightrope walking to awakening
Get acquainted with where you are and the environment around you. Check out the path ahead.
Tune into your own inner balance. Focus on the path and step out there.
Maintain your balance and your focus unwaveringly as you cross over from a sense of victimhood
to a joyous confidence that you can and are doing what you know to be right for you right now.